However, if you want to create a truly unique store with exceptional performance and user experience, then it might be worth asking Shopify professionals for advice first. Who are Shopify consultants, and how can they help your online store grow? 

Who is a Shopify consultant?

A Shopify consultant is a professional who specializes in helping e-commerce brands design, launch, and optimize their Shopify ecommerce website for the best performance and growth. Since they know Shopify and its features inside and out and also have extensive experience when it comes to working with e-commerce brands, they can give their advice on pretty much anything related to running an online store. 

Whether you need expert advice on how to choose the suitable theme or apps for a new online store or help with solving various performance issues, Shopify consultants have both the skills and expertise to help you with those.

The Benefits of Hiring a Shopify Consultant for Your Ecommerce Business

While Shopify’s user-friendly interface and customization options may seem easy to handle, the platform’s complexity requires expert skills for full potential utilization. Basic customizations are achievable with ready-made themes and plugins, but advanced modifications like template code alterations need expert guidance.

Shopify consultants are beneficial when you face store issues. For instance, a sudden drop in traffic and sales could be due to various reasons that need thorough testing. With daily business tasks, finding time for extensive troubleshooting can be challenging. Shopify consultants, with their experience and understanding of your needs, can provide solutions.

For complex matters like conversion optimization, Shopify consultants use established testing processes to identify common e-commerce issues and determine the best improvement areas.

Why working with Shopify experts is great for e-commerce companies?

Getting the help of a Shopify consultant does come with some upfront costs since they typically charge on an hourly basis. However, the benefits they can bring to both small and large e-commerce businesses are definitely worth the price. So what exactly can you gain when asking Shopify experts for help? 

Expanding Your E-commerce Store Functionality with Shopify Expertise

Shopify is a great platform for small e-commerce businesses, but it has some limitations. The built-in tools and themes are basic and hard to customize. Too many plugins can make your website slow. That’s why you may need Shopify consultants. They are experts in Shopify who can help you improve your web design and functionality. They can either tweak your existing Shopify theme or create a custom one that suits your brand. If you want to grow your e-commerce store with Shopify, you need Shopify consultants.

shopify pricing calculator shopify ecommerce consultant

Leveraging Comprehensive Knowledge of Shopify for Your Business

Running an online store is not easy. You have to deal with SEO, performance, strategy, user experience, design, functionality, and more. Sometimes you may feel lost or overwhelmed by all these aspects. Whether you need advice on growth strategy, migration, conversion rate, search engine ranking, app development, integrations or e-commerce solutions, Shopify consulting services can provide it. They also keep up with the latest trends and features in Shopify and e-commerce and can help you use them to make your store stand out.

Save Time and Boost Efficiency with Expert Shopify Consultation

Running an ecommerce business is hard enough without having to learn how to use Shopify. You don’t want to waste time on tutorials or trial-and-error when you have a problem with your site. You want a quick and effective solution from someone who knows Shopify inside out.

Shopify ecommerce consultant can fix any issue you have with your site, from design to plugins, in no time. They have the experience and knowledge to solve problems fast and prevent them from happening again. You can focus on your business while they make your site better.

Accelerate Your Store’s Growth with a Shopify Consultant

The experience of Shopify consultants can also be invaluable if you are looking for tips on how to grow your brand further. For example, let’s say your shop has outgrown the platform you are using now, and you are considering migration to Shopify. However, you are worried that something might happen during the move, and then you’ll have to put the entire website on downtime to fix the issues. 

Shopify consultants can help you plan the migration projects in steps and prepare everything you need for a smooth migration. In the same way, they can help you prepare for launching on the international market or upgrade from basic Shopify to Shopify Plus.

Download our free e-book and find out how to migrate to Shopify step by step 

Hiring a Shopify expert can save you money

Hiring a Shopify experts is a smart investment for your online store. They can help you choose the best themes, plugins, and design options for your niche and goals. They can also guide you through the process of launching or migrating your store, avoiding common pitfalls and errors.

Trying to do everything yourself can be time-consuming, stressful, and risky. You might end up wasting money on fixing mistakes or redoing the work. You might also miss out on opportunities to optimize your store for SEO, conversions, and customer satisfaction.

A Shopify expert can save you money in the long run by providing you with professional advice, solutions, and support. They can help you create a store that is fast, secure, user-friendly, and profitable.

When you should Hire a Shopify Consultant?

A consultant can help you with various aspects of your Shopify store and prevent future problems. You should contact them whenever you need expert advice, such as:

  • Designing or improving your store layout and features
  • Solving technical issues or bugs
  • Planning for scaling and growth

Before you talk to a consultant, you should identify your specific needs and goals. This will help them find the best solution for you, such as custom tool integration, website redesign, or user experience enhancement.

However, be careful when choosing a Shopify consultant. Many people and companies claim to offer such services, but they may not have the skills or knowledge to help you. They may also charge lower prices than certified Shopify agencies, but their suggestions may worsen your store performance.

By hiring a Shopify consultant from a certified agency, you can be sure that you are working with experienced professionals who understand your business niche and Shopify platform. Their hourly rates may be higher, but they will provide you with high-quality service and results.

What our consultants can do for your Shopify store

If you’ve been struggling with some issues for a while, or you want someone to take a look at your e-commerce strategy for future growth and give you some expert tips, why not contact the Shopify store consultant in the WeCanFly agency? We’ve worked with many e-commerce brands over the years and helped them expand their Shopify stores, so chances are we’ll know how to make your e-commerce brand shine too. 

Here’s what we are especially good at:

  • Shopify development and customization consulting – Whether you need advice on how to build a new Shopify store or how you could implement custom functionality in the existing one, our Shopify developer will surely come up with some recommendations.
  • Shopify integration consulting If you are struggling with integrating your current e-commerce tool stack (like CRM or PIM platform) into the store, we can lend a hand here. We can also build a custom tool integration via our API development services if needed. 
  • Shopify store migration consultingMoving from a different e-commerce platform to Shopify? We can help with everything related to the migration: from picking the theme and plugins to integrating other e-commerce tools with the store and optimizing the performance and user experience.  
  • Shopify e-commerce store growth consulting If you need an expert to look at your launch or growth strategy and give you some expert advice, we are here for you. Also, if you’re thinking about moving to Shopify Plus but aren’t sure if it’s the right thing to do, we can clear the doubts.


In Shopify, you can easily modify many things yourself if you have enough time, skills and are willing to learn something new. What if you don’t have the time or abilities though? Then Shopify consultants will be happy to help you – whether you need assistance with online store setup, conversion rate optimization, troubleshooting, growth strategy, or more.

So if you are currently struggling with a technical issue or wondering how should you grow your store, how about booking a call with WeCanFly consultants? Since they know what works on Shopify and what doesn’t, thanks to working with multiple ecommerce brands over the years, they will surely know how to bring your store’s full potential – and keep people coming to your store.